CE certification of hearing protection articles

2020-06-15 10:02:32 nsn

EU market requires CE certification for hearing protection products, such as earplugs, earmuffs, etc.

CE mark is a compulsory certification mark for some products in the European market in terms of basic health and safety requirements. The European Commission has established basic requirements for hearing protection equipment, and the standards are coordinated throughout the European economic region.

All manufacturers of respiratory protective equipment outside Europe or Europe must meet the requirements of CE marking to make the products available in the European market. Therefore, European consumers believe that CE mark is a symbol of product performance and quality assurance.

Hearing protection standard:

EN 352-1: earmuffs

EN 352-2: earplugs

EN 352-3: helmet mounted earmuffs

EN 352-4: level type (amplitude sensing) earmuffs

EN 352-5: active noise reduction earmuffs

EN 352-6: with audio communication earmuff

EN 352-7: level earplugs

EN 24869 Part 1: attenuation detection of hearing protection equipment

The process of CE certification of hearing protective equipment

The applicant submits the application to Shanghai Bobbie Equipment Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd. –

The company informs the applicant of sample submission requirements and document preparation requirements

Sample and technical data submitted by the applicant

The Laboratory conducts initial type tests, evaluation documents –

After passing the test, the certification authority issues the test report and certificate of conformity

Manufacturer to make declaration of conformity and paste CE mark
